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Minggu, 27 April 2014


                       INQUIRY LETTER

Fatal, Green Regenci no 16
Nort Bekasi , West Java
Ref : DM/FK/C1                                                                                            21th April, 2014
PT. Cahaya Rifai
Jl. Setia Budi No 16
Depok, West Java

Dear Mr. Fuji Kurniawan,

Starting from the kids who like to eat haphazardly at school , and inspired by the style of life in Japan we create a common stock if called bento in Japan. . Our Bento is not merely a lack of rice that has a lot of nutrients in it, but also can be fun because kids form these very cute bento with a model card or form animals that favored children.Our efforts established since March 20, 2014 with the name of Bento Unyu housed in Fatal North Bekasi we also accept orders for a birthday party or a bento for the workers .
For our effort known consumers we ask you to introduce our effort to consumers.The things that we want to ask as follows:
1.Promotion what corresponds to our products?
2.When the appropriate time?
3.Media that allow for the promotion?
4.Equipment needed for the promotion?
5.The expense incurred for the promotion?
We hope you will turn back and answer questions of us about marketing this product.Thank you .

                                                                                                                 Yours Sincerely,

                                                                                                                 Dede Mugiyati,
                                                                                                                 Manager Marketing


PT. Cahaya Rifai
Jl. Setia Budi No 16
Depok, West Java
Ref  : FK / DM/C2                                                                                       23th April 2014
Bento Unyu
Fatal, Green Regenci no 16
Nort Bekasi , West Java

Dear Mrs Dede Mugiyati

Thank you for the questions you submit to us on the date of 21th April 2014 , as you begged we will answer your question begged :
  1. Promotion which is proper for the product you make is make advertise in social media, ads in the media advertise in magazines about mothers and children and distribute brosur-brosur to a few places like offices, a strategic school, and residential areas.
  2. Every day but most suitable monday because lots of people who the day that, consume. Because early days after a vacation, but if in televisis more precise promote in a holiday.
  3. The media that is appropriate for the promotion of your product is by using like facebook, social media twitter, instagram or path for websites that most often viewed by the consumers, can also with advertise in the magazine special children and women, with a booklet.
  4. Brosur-brosur to be distributed in public office transport
  5. The amount of fees issued for the promotion :
  • The cost of printing brochures for                                           : Rp 1.200.000
  • The cost of advertising in social media                                    : Rp    100.000
  • Wages ( divider brochure )                                                    : Rp    300.000
  • The total cost of the promotion                                              : Rp 1.600.000

Having read your letter, and to find information about product you interested in working together. we hope that this cooperation can last successful and and this product can be known by many people for the future.


                                                                                                                    Fuji Kurniawan’
                                                                                                                    General Manager

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